AVOID THE SHOCK Wire Ampacity WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Let the Professionals Help Listen to the virtual electrician explain what wire ampacity is and why it is important. If you are installing a new electrical circuit, or doing a panel safety check, understanding wire...
GET RID OF THE BEEPING Is Your Smoke Detector Beeping? INTRO TO SMOKE DETECTORS Fixing the Problem TVE tells you how to fix a smoke detector beeping. If changing the battery doesn’t work, then TVE explains why a smoke detector might be beeping when there is no...
WHAT YOU WILL NEED Your Guide to Electrical Wiring Tools A HANDY LITTLE TOOL Guide to Wiring Tools 101 Electricity can be very fickle. You need to be armed with the correct electrical tools before you start troubleshooting your electrical problem. There are lots of...
INTRODUCING OUR How Does The Virtual Electrician Work TAKE A QUICK MOMENT How The Virtual Electrician Works The virtual electrician was created to give you that extra help you may want for your electrical needs. Head on over to our video page and select our video...
KNOW YOUR TOOLS How To Use A Circuit Breaker Finder A HANDY LITTLE TOOL Let Us Teach You About Your Circuit Breaker Finder At TVE, we created a video that shows you how to use a circuit finder. This is handy little tool to have. On average, 90 percent of the houses I...
INTRODUCING OUR How To Tips & Tricks INTRODUCING OUR How to Use Our Virtual Electrician Service The virtual electrician was created to give you that extra help you may want for your electrical needs. Head on over to our video page and select our video package for...